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H Journal of ZooloQ^
Vol. XIX., 1912.
Issued at the Zoological Museum, Thing
1. On the Term "Subspecies" as used in Systematic Zoolog)'. Wai.teu
EoTnsciiiLD ........... 13a — 136
1. Descriptions of Two Giant Rats from New Guinea, pre.sented to the British Museum by tlie Hon. Walter Rothschild, F.R.S. Oldfield
Thomas 91—92
1. Note on Conurus asruyinosus and the allied species. T. Salvadori . 84 — 85
2. List of a Collection of Birds made by Mr. Albert Meek on the Kumusi
River, North-Eastern British New Guinea. Walter Rothschild
and Ernst Hartert ......... 187 206
0. List of Birds collected by Mr. A. S. Meek at Haidana, CoUingwood
Bay, in North-Eastern British New Guinea. Walter Rothschild
and Ernst Hartert ......... i.'U7 — 2iJ9
4. Description of Two New Binls from tlie Timor Group of Islands.
C. E. Hellmayr . . 21U — 211
."). The Birds of Yunnan. Collingwood Ingram ...... 269 — 310
6. Ornithologlsche Miszellen aus dem Imlo-Australischen Gebiet. EitwiN
Stresemann 311 — 35]
7. On some unfigured Birds. (Plates I. and II.) Ernst Hartert . . 373 — 374
1. List of the Anthi-ibidae in the Congo Museum at Tervueren. K. Jordan 63 67
2. New A nthribidae in the Collection of H. E. Andrewes. K. .Jordan . 87 90
3. Neue Apionen des Nord- und Siid-Amerikanisi-hen F.iunengebietes.
(Illustriert.) Hans Waoner ........ 97 118
4. Formo.san Anthrihiilae collected by H. Sauter. K. Jordan . . . 137 II.")
5. De.scriptions d' Esp^ces et Varietes Nouvelles de Coecinellides du British
Museum. DocTEUR Sicard ........ 247 268
1. New Nocliddae in tln' Tring Museum, mainly from tlio Tnclo-Orieutal
Region. \V. Wahren ......... 1 — 57
2. New Geomelridae in the Tring Museum from New Guinea. W. Warren 68 — 83
3. Caligida Hybr. salmoni, a new Hybi'id of .Satiirniidae. (Illustrated.)
J. Henry Watson 86—87
4. On an apparently New Form of Lambessa from Algeria. Walter
RoTILSCniLD . . . . . . . .118
5. A Synonymic Catalogue of the Syntomid Genus Balacra Walk., with
Descriptions of New Species. (Plates XIII. — XIV.)* WAi/rER
EoTiiscHii,D 119 — 122
G. New Bornean Aegeriidae and Syntomidae. Walter Rothschild . . 122 — 124
7. New Mauretanian Moth.s. Walter Rothschild ..... 125 — 127
8. Some New Sphiit/jid(ie. (Illustrated.) Walter Rothschild and K. Jordan 128 — 135
9. Some New Oriental Zygaenidae. K. Jordan ...... 146 — 150
10. New Syntomidae. Walter Rothschild. ...... 151 — 186
11. New Lithosianae. Walter Rothschild. ...... 212 — 246
12. Some \miig\ive({ Sipilomklae, Aeijerladae nni\ Arctianae. (Plates III. — V.)
Walter Rothschild 375 — 377
1. List of Siphonaptera collected in Eastern Hungary. (Illustrated.)
K. Jordan and N. C. Rothschild 58 — 62
2. On Siphonaptera collected in Algeria (Plales VI. — XII.) Karl Jordan
and N. 0. Rothschild 357 — 372
1. Notes on the structure of the sexually modified segments of the Cimlcidne
( = C'linocoridae), with special i-ef erence to Cliiiocoris columharius
(Jenyns). (Illustrated.) N. Charles Rothschild .... 9:1— U6
2. Notes on C'linocoridae, a family of Rhynchota, with the descriptions of
a New Genus and Species. Karl Jordan and N. Charles Rothschild ' . . . . . 352—356
INDEX 379-403
• N'ot Plates I. and II. .is given in the text.
I. Manias henschi Oust, ami G'l'.andid, By II. Gronvold.
II. Leucopsar rothschildi ;iuil (rmcujjic/c tertia. By H. Grouvold.
III. Si/Htomidae. By Horace Knight.
IV. Si/iitoniidae and Aeijeriadae. By Horace Knight. V. S ijntomidae and Arclianue. By Horace Kniglit.
VI. — XII. Algerian Siphonaptera. By K. .Jordan.
XIII. SijntomidcK (Genus Balacra). By Horace Kniglit.
XIV. Si/ntomidae (Genera Balacra and Metarclia), By Horace Knight.
The Parts of this Volume were issued as follows :
No. 1, containing pages 1 — 1.50, issueil April 30th, 1912.
No. 2, containing page.s 151 — 377 and Plates VI. — XII., issued December 21st, 1912. No. 3, containing pages 379—403 .and Plates I. — V. and XIII. — XIV., issued April l-lth, 1913.
Page 91, line I) from bottom, and 02, line 10 from bottom, collector's name slioii be " KeyssBv " instead of " Keyser." 11!)— 122, the Plate.s for this article are XIII. and XIV., and not " I. and II 121, No. 10. This species is figured on Plate XIV. (ig. 38.
„ line t, after "fig. 40,'' read '^ and ? fig. 39." 185, No. 1G7, the specific name should read roscipemiis not roseipeunis. 194, No<. 49 and 50: the generic name should read " liorics," not " Lori»is." 312, liiK- 1 from bottom read : nicht mehr instead of uielir nicht. ,, ,, iiudayensis „ ., malai/aims.
., ,. malat/eiisis ,, ,. malayanus.
Siphia „ ,, Syphia.
top „ cJ ,, ,, ?
Iiottom ,, Sangir : S 1C3 .. .. Sangir : 1G3.
„ junge Vogel „ „ Jungevogel.
1892 „ ., 1S22.
„ .. Mundspalto ., ,, Mnndspilte
, 31(), |
t; |
? • )) ? |
, 15 |
, 324, |
, iii |
, 338, |
, 3 |
> ?} ) |
, 8 |
, 340, |
• 13 |
, 341, |
) 5 |
, 345, |
, 12 |
H Journal oX Zoolotj^.
Vol. XIX.
No. 1. Pages 1—150.
Issued April 30th, at the Zoological Museum, Thing.
Vol. XIX.
U. 15.
SOME NEW Sl'llIXGIDAE. {Illustrated)
W. Wa
Have Wayner . Walter Rothschild
Walter Rothschild
Walter Rothschild Waller Rothschild Waller Rothsch ild and A'. Jordan
Walter Rothschild
K. Jordan and X. ('. Rothschild . |
58—02 |
K. Jordan |
63—67 |
W, Warren |
6(<— S.-? |
T. Salraduri |
84— S5 |
J. Henry Watson |
8G— 87 |
K. Jordan |
87—90 |
Oldfield T/u>mai |
91—92 |
X. Charles Rothschild 9.'> — 9t>
K. Jordan K, Jordan
97—118 ll,s
137—145 146—150
Vol. XIX. APRIL, 1912. No. 1.
By W. warren, M.A., F.E.S.
1. Canna javensis spec, no v.
Forewiny : differs from spleiideiis Moore, which it most resembles, in the following particulars : the median and inner-marginal fasciae have the brown much mixed with green, especially towards costa ; the inner edge of the median fascia is s(|uarely angled below the subcostal vein, and its outer edge is obliijue inwards at costa instead of outwards ; both stigmata are more distinctly marked ; the onter area is more uniformly green, the oblique streak from reuiform to apes not being marked, and the inner-marginal band is more broadly interrupted by green towards the base.
HiiidwuKj : white, with the submarginal fuscous band mncli reduced and restricted to the costal half of wing.
Underside with the ground colour whiter, the submarginal bands reduced to patches in costal half of wings ; the patch at end of cell of forewing nearly obsolete.
Expanse of wings : 34 mm.
1 (J from Java.
2. Acronicta nigromaculata spec. nov.
Forewing : white, the basal two-thirds more or less wholly suffused with olive- fuscous thickly speckled with black, which leaves pale spaces above median before and after inner line and at base of inner margin ; costa at base, the base of cell, and submedian fold black to inner line, the pale space above it extending below cell to submedian fold and there white ; space beyond inner line containing the round orbicular with brown centre, whitish annulus, and black outline ; inner line black and double, squarely projecting outwards above vein 1 ; median line black and double, waved, more or less lost in the broad dark suffusion, which also envelopes the reniform, and is marked along submedian fold by blacker streaks continued vaguely to termen ; outer line finely double, lunulate-dentate, followed by three dark blotches, one at costa and one on each fold, connected with a row of submarginal olive lunulcs, between which aud a terminal row of black stud- shaped marks the narrow submarginal line lies ; fringe chequered black and white.
Hindwing : white in S , fuscous grey in ? , with dark cell-spot, outer line, veins, iind terminal shade, which are all obscured in the darker ^ , J
(2 )
Uiulersiile white, suffused with fuscous in forewing, except the costal streak and inner-marginal area, speckled with fuscous in hindwing along costa only, with a dark bar from costa before middle, and the outer line marked by dark spots at and below costa and on each fold ; the cell-spot large and dark in both wings.
Head and thorax whitish, mixed and lined with olivc-fuscons, the abdomen grey ; paljii extenuilly with second segment black, its tip and the third segment pale grey ; tarsi spotted black and white.
Expanse of wings : 40 mm.
2 (?<J, 2 ? ? from the Khasia Hills (types), the SS taken in February and May 1896, the ? ? in October and November 189.3 ; 1 cJ from Darjiling (F.'Moller); 1 cJ Sikkim, April 1888 (Col. Pilcher).
3. Thalatha argentea spec. nov.
Forewing: silvery white; the narrow basal patch, reaching from margin to margin, a truncated conical patch on costa before middle, a triangular patch on inner margin at middle, and a diffusely edged smaller patch on costa before apex, black ; a slight brown smudge on termeu between veins 3 and 5 ; a few scattered black scales above anal angle ; fringe mottled black and white.
Hindwing: dark fuscous grey, paler towards base and inner margin, darkest apically ; fringe dark, paler at anal angle.
Underside glossy iron-grey in ibrewing ; the costa sprinkled with white scales, and with a small white spot at three-fourths and a white streak just before apex ; fringe with white chequering along base ; hindwing whitish, with the central area and apex bronzy grey speckled with white ; a dark cell-spot and outer line.
Palpi black, with the tips of second and third segments white ; head and shoulders, and the metathoracic tuft white, the shoulders tijiped with rufous ; thorax black ; abdomen fuscous grey ; pectus, legs, and venter black ; the legs dotted with white.
Expanse of wings : 24 mm.
2 JcJ from British New Guinea, from Welsch River (type) and Area River respectively (Weiske).
Subfamily MOMINAE.
4. Trisuloides pygaria spec. uov.
Forewing : fuscous grey, with darker fuscous suffusion in parts ; the oval space before outer line from subcostal vein to vein 3, the filling up of outer line itself, and the subterminal line below vein 5 whitish ; inner line blackish, inwardly pale- edged, waved and oblique outwards; median shade thick, strongly developed, oblique outwards to below vein 3, then oblique inwards ; orbicular stigma round, filled up with brown ; reniform a narrow grey lunule witli pale edging ; inner arm of outer line dark grey ; outer arm fine, but swollen into a brownish blotch on submedian interval ; subterminal line from costa to vein 5 thick and black ; terminal lunules brown edged with white; fringe yellowish at base, grey at tips.
Hiniltcing : yellow ; a fuscous terminal border, of even width from costa to vein 3, the inner edge only continued to anal angle ; the fuscous terminal lunules broadly edged with pale yellow ; fringe mottled yellow and fuscous.
Underside yellow ; the forewing with the costal streak, a large blotch on discocellular, and the rest of wing to subterminal line, except along inner margin,
( 3)
blackish fuscous ; a yellow blotch beyond cell ; the outer and subtermiual lines jialer ; hindwing with the costal area and the terminal third of wing black and white speckled ; two black lines from costa ; the first, before middle, short, coalescing with the black cell-mark ; the second, from middle, curved to vein 3 ; fringe yellowisli grey.
Face, vertex, and antennal tuft pale oclireons ; pali)i in front pale ochreous, externally black, the terminal segment wholly black ; shonlders yellower ochreous ; thorax olive grey mixed with yellowish ; abdomen dingy grey, the anal segments tlnckly clothed with masses of grey woolly down ; pectus and legs ochreous ; the tarsi black spotted with ochreous ; antennae black, shortly pectinated.
Expanse of wings : 66 mm.
1 ?, considerably worn, from Benkoelen, W. Sumatra (Ericsson).
Differs from tyjiical Trisuloides in the antennae (?) being pectinated instead of simply serrate and in the woolliness of the anal segments.
5. Trisuloides papuensis spec. nov.
Foreiviruj : fnscous varied with black and white dusting, but, except in the terminal area beyond subterminal line, without the brown tinge of sericea Btlr., which it otherwise much resembles ; the inner black line is more oblique inwards, and straighter, less wavy ; followed by a black median shade, which at costa is oblique inwards, is then curved outwards and Inuulate-dentate to vein 2, then inbent and ending on inner margin as a diffnse shade beyond inner line ; orbicular stigma absent in the only specimen ; reniform indicated only by a brown liar ; outer line Innulate-dentate, double, filled in with white instead of brown, and without the large whitish lunule beyond it on submedian fold; subterminal line also narrowly white, the space between them brownish fuscous thickly irrorated with bluish white ; the space beyond cell before the outward curve of outer line diffusely whitish ; a triangular patch of wliite scaling beyond subterminal line on submedian fold ; fringe brown, dark mottled, white bejond the submedian interval.
Rindiving : brownish fuscous, with the centre dull yellow, running through from costa to inner margin above anal angle ; a small white triangle on termen in submedian interval, with the fringe beyond it white.
Underside with all the markings blurred and confused ; the basal two-thirds dull yellow, the outer third dark fuscous and brown ; a diffuse dark median cloud across discocellular ; the outer line dark above the submedian fold ; the white marks present at anal angle in both wings.
Face, vertex, and palpi fuscous and ochreous, the palpi externally browner ; shoulders paler ; thorax and abdomen fuscous grey and ochreous ; the dorsal tnfts darker; pectus, venter, and legs brownish.
Expanse of wings : 50 mm.
One (? from Biagi, Mambare River, British New Guinea, 5000 ft., March 1906 (A. S. Meek).
0. Trisuloides polyphaenaria spec. nov.
Forewing : greyish ochreous with a faint olive tinge ; the markings olive green ; basal patch olive, its edge slightly curved, nearly vertical, followed by an olive green line ; median shade olive green, oblique outwards frou; costa to median, then
( 4 )
less distinct and oblique inwards ; the dark green cell-spot lies on its njiper arm ; outer line dark olive, double, filled in with pale, oblique outwards to 6, vertical to 4, then incurved ; the inner arm lunulate-dentate, the outer obscured by the olive shade following, which is itself obsolescent below vein 4 ; this shade is limited externally by the i)ale subterminal line, which is oblique inwards to vein 7 and angled outwards on veins 6 and 4 ; terminal area beyond it, especially at apex, brownish olive, below the middle all the markings are i)ale and blurred ; a row of terminal olive lunules ; fringe olive and greyish ochreons.
Himhiing : bright yellow, with a broad greenish fnscous terminal border, indistinct below 3 ; olive green pale-edged terminal lunules ; fringe pale grey.
Underside yellow in basal areas, the outer fawn-colour speckled with grey ; costa of forewing fawn-colour ; a diffuse blackish blotch on discocellular of forewing, and a less distinct blotch on hindwing from costa over end of cell ; a dark olive fuscous fascia in forewing beyond outer line.
Head, forelegs, and thora.K jiale fawn-colour, the face and outside of palpi browner ; legs brownish fawn ; the abdomen is entirely denuded of scales.
Expanse of wings : 46 mm.
One ? from Palaboehan, Ratoe, Java, Wynkoopsbaai (Fruhstorfer).
Differs from typical Trisuloides in the antennae of the ? being almost simple, with a few short bristles, but without visible serrations.
T. Trisuloides albiplaga spec. nov.
Forewing: red-brown with some white irroration along costa and inner margin, and black and white dotting along veins, towards inner margin with dark and pale speckling ; inner line black, oblique from costa to submedian fold, thence inwardly obli(ine, edged on each side by lines of white and red-brown scales, followed by a short streak of white and reddish scales along submedian fold ; outer line black, lunulate, bent at vein 4, followed by a snow-white line and preceded from costa to vein ^ by a whii;e line swollen into a blotch between veins 5 and 7, and running inwards along vein 5 to below reniform ; the stigmata large and dark with thick black outlines ; subterminal line reddish brown mixed with white, whiter at each margin, sharply inangulate on vein 7 and indented only on vein 1, l)receded by large dark wedge-shaj)ed spots between the veins, edged with reddish, and on costa by a black blotch reaching outer line ; terminal black lunules edged by white and reddish scales ; beyond submedian fold a black triangle ; fringe browu, varied with pale scales.
Ilimiwing : orange with broad black terminal border narrowing off to an angle ; fringe mottled brown and white.
Underside orange at base between subcostal vein and submedian fold in forewing, in hindwing along inner margin from costa to terminal border ; outer two-thirds of forewing fuscous with a broad oblique white band from costa beyond middle to vein 3, and a white erect spot at anal angle ; hindwing with a largo fuscons blotch from costa to discocellular and a broad terminal border, preceded from costa to vein 3 by a broad white blotch.
Face and vertex fuscons with the sides whitish ; palpi white in front, the terminal segment and second segment externally blackish ; shoulders fuscous, with the bases and tips ochreous ; patagia olive brown, darker at base, the tips in place:} white; dorsum orange with the line of tufts and the anal segments fuscous;
venter blackisb, with wliite segmental rings ; pectns dull orange : legs ochreons thickly dnsted with brown.
Expanse of wings : c? 66 mm. ; ? 70 ram.
2 ^tJ, 5 ? ? from the Khasia Hills, Assam (t3-pe) ; one cJ from Darjiling (F. MoUer). The last is smaller, and less distinctly marked.
The ? has the antennae almost simple, with a few short bristles.
8. Tambana nigra spec, nov., a^id snlisp. fuscipennis subsp. nov.
Foreicinq : purplish black ; the lines, which are dimble, the edges of the stigmata, and tlie praesubmarginal shade deep black ; the narrow terminal area, the centres of stigmata, and the costal spots dark grey ; the inner and outer lines conversely lunnlate-dentate ; a dark median shade ; fringe purple grey.
HiiHlwiiiy : yellowish straw-colour, deeper yellow in the ? ; veins towards termen black; fringe lilack ; a fuscous terminal border, ill-defined in the tj, com})lete in the ? .
Underside of forewing dull blackish, the cells and inner margin dull straw- colour ; of hindwing mainly straw-colour, becoming blackisli terminally; both wings with large difl'use discal blotch and dark outer line ; fringe dotted with white beyond the veins.
Head, thorax, and legs blackisli mixed with pale grey hairs ; abdomen black, its sides in basal half with luteous hairs ; pectus woolly, olive grey.
Expanse of wings : 46 mm.
2 (?(?, 1 ? from the Khasia Hills, Assam.
In the form from Burma — subsp. fuscipennis subsp. nov. — the upperside of hindwing and the undersides of botli wings are dingy fuscous with a luteous tinge ; the outer line on both wings on underside is more strongly bent at middle.
Expanse of wings : 50 mm.
1 ? from Bernardmyo, Burma, 7o00 ft.. May 1890 (W. Dohcrty), from the Elwes Collection.
9. Tambana pallidipennis spec. nov.
Forewing : like nigra, but the ground colour paler, greyer ; the black suffusion not so complete ; the lines filled up with pale grey.
Hindwing : uniform pale straw-colour, witii the fringe dark fuscons ; in some cases, especially in the ? ?, with traces of a faint subterminal shade.
Underside dirty straw-colour ; a diftuse dark discal blotch in forewing ; the outer lines and terminal border fuscons.
Head, thorax, and legs blackish with a stronger admixture of pale hairs; the hair at base of abdomen at the sides paler.
Expanse of wings : 46 mm.
10 c?c?, 3 ? ? from Java: Pengalengan, Preanger ; Bandong ; Palaboehan.
Subfamily EUXOINAE. 10. Euxoa fumipennis spec. nov.
Forewing : luteous grey, suftused throughout with deep smoky blackish, the paler ground colour showing as a diffuse band only beyond outer line ; markings mnch as in E. radians Guen. from Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand ; the filling up of the inner line, the median nervure, the annulns of the orbicular stigma,
and the sabterminal line are all pale and distinct ; the last sometimes broken up into separate spots ; a thick, blackish, nearly vertical, median shade passes over the reniform.
Iliixliriiig : white, the veins strongly brown ; the whole wing, excei)t the cell and space beyond it, tinged with pale fuscons, more thickly along the margins ; the termen with a broad diffuse blackish border, partially darkening the fringe.
Underside of forewing dull grey with the termen darker; of hindwing white with all the margins blackish.
Head, thorax, and abdomen all dark fuscons blackish.
Expanse of wings : 42 mm.
4 ¥ ? from Lifu, Loyalty Islands.
Larger and darker than radians, to which it is nearest allied.
11. Rhyacia spilosata spec. nov.
Foreirini) : uniform dull grey-brown, with all the markings obscnred ; orbicular and reniform stigmata filled up with darker, without distinct annnli or outlines ; inner and outer lines conversely dentate-lunnlate, the teeth of the former pointing base- wards ; those of the outer, as usual, double ; subterminal line marked by a double row of brown spots, the inner between, the onter on, the veins ; a row of terminal black dots ; the terminal area narrowly darker.
Ilindwiinj : somewhat paler than forewing; the fringe concolorous.
Underside of forewing dark, of hindwing paler ; the latter with cell-spot and outer line.
Head, thorax, and abdomen all concolorous.
Expanse of wings : 36 mm.
1 cf without locality, from the Elwes Collectio.i ; 1 ? from Phallalooug on tlie Nepal frontier, taken at an elevation of 12,0U0 ft., July 190.i.
12. Rhyacia papuana spec. nov.
As large as triangularis Moore, which it most resembles.
Forewing: purplish brown, without the reddish tinge of triangularis ; the costal streak broadly pale to beyond the reniform ; the two stigmata pale, both confluent above with the streak, and both touching median veiu below ; the cell blackish throughout ; claviform stigma pale, with diffuse dark purplish outline ; outer line purplish, lunulate-dcntate ; the subiuargiual preceded by a row of dark luuules.
Hindwing: dull pale grey, darker towards termen, showing a dull grey cell- spot and outer line.
Pal])! extcrniilly, vertex of hea<l, collar, the thorax and jiatagia deep brown- black ; tips of palpi, face and tegulae rufous ochreous mixed with grey, the tegnlae with a broad but diffuse blackish middle line ; abdomen furry grey.
Expanse of wings : 42 mm.
1 i from the Angabuiiga River, British New Guinea, OOUU ft., November 1904 to February 1005 (A. S. Meek).
13. Rhyacia praetermissa spec, nov., and subsp. insulata subsp. nov.
Forewing: purplish fuscous in the ?, jiale reddish Ijrown in the S ; costal streak whitish from base to reniform stigma, dotted with grey, sometimes pink-
( n
tinged, plainer iu ? than c? ; lines finely lilaok, conversely edged with paler ; the inner obliqne and double, the internal arm slender, preceded by a diffuse grey space; tbe outer lunulate-dentate ; submarginal obscurely paler, indicated by the terminal area beyond it being darker, preceded at costa by a black bar ; cell and a blotch at base of submedian fold blackish ; orbicular stigma pale, dependent from the costal streak, ronnded triangular ; reniform with j)ale curi'ed inner edge.
Hindwing : fuscous grey, paler basewards.
Underside with outer line and cell-spot on both wings.
Head, palpi, and patagia purplish grey ; tegulae oohreou-!, with two rufous lines and the tips velvety black ; abdomen, underside, and legs brownish grey.
Expanse of wings : 42 mm.
1 d', 3 ? ¥ from the Nilgiri Hills ; 1 i from Ooty, S. India.
Closely allied to this species, but differing in being slightly smaller, with the hindwings pale at base, 2 ? ? from Bonthain, Celebes, taken between .OOUO and 60U0 ft., October 1895, by A. Everett, may for the present be separated as subsp. insulata subsp. nov.
14. Rhyacia stigmatias spec. nov. and ab. pallidistigma ab. nov.
Foreicirtff: of S jiale lilac grey or luteous grey, dusted with darker and more or less strongly tinged with pink ; of ¥ wholly dull brick-red ; costal edge red ; the lines dark, marked by dark spots on costa, disposed as in the allied species, but rarely clear; the outer line outcurved and emitting rather long dark teeth on the veins ; stigmata of the pale ground colour edged with brown ; the lower half of reniform always black in the cJ, unicoloroas in the ¥ ; snbterminal line sometimes indicated by a dark shade on each side ; fringe reddish with a dark marginal festoon in the pale grey examples, without the festoon in the red forms of the i, and in the ¥ ?.
Hind winy: pale luteous grey.
The colouring of the thora.x varies with that of the forewing.
In the ab. pallidistigma ab. nov. all three stigmata are pale ochreous, and the lower half of the reniform stigma velvety black.
E.xpanse of wings : 32 — 36 mm.
(i c?c?, 3 ¥ ¥ from the Angabunga River, British New Guinea, GOOD fc, November 19U4 to February 190.5, and 1 3 from Biagi, Mambare River, .5000 ft., April 1906 (A S. Meek).
15. Rhyacia griseithorax spec. no7.
Forewing: pale lilac grey with a faint greenish tint; the sp.'ckling and lines olive brownish ; inner and outer lines double, filled in with pale grey ; the inner strongly angled outwards below vein 1 ; outer line sinuous, followed by black and white dashes on veins ; submarginal line double, brown filled in with paler, hardly bent, preceded by a chocolate brown costal shade; stigmata all large, grey with paler annnli and brown outlines, the claviform reaching to be\-ond orbicular, and the reniform produced inwards along median vein ; fringe brown and grey, with a bright rufous white basal line ; costal elge pale greenish ochreous for three-fourths.
Hindwing : fuscous grey, dark before termen ; fringe white, tinged with rufous.
Underside blackish grey ; costa of both wings and termen of forewing broadly brick-red.
Face, slionldors, patasiiii, and thorax ver}- i)ale greenisli grey ; dorsnra darker grej- tiuged with red ; venter, pectus, iuside of legs, and palpi externally deep red ; tips of palpi reddish ochreons. Expanse of wings : W) mm. 2 ? ? from the Khasia Hills, Assam.
« Hi. Rhyacia mundipennis spec. nov.
Fm-eiving : pale clear ochreons, only the costal streak and the basal area o-rey-brown ; lines scarcely visible, but the inner liae appears to be toothed out- wardly above and below vein 1 ; clavifurm stigma with a dark dot at its apex ; orbicular a flattened oval, the centre blackish in a wide ochreons ring, outlined with pale brown ; reniforra an obli(|ue figure of 8, filled up with black in an ochreons ring, of which only the inner half is wide and edged with brown ; slight black-brown streaks at termeu on veins (5, 5, and 2, and slighter ones on vein 1 and the submedian fold ; those on 0, 5, connected by faint brown streaks with the reniform ; fringe ochreons, scantily mottled with brown.
IlincliciiK/ : pale ochreons with slight brown terminal dashes ; fringe ochreons.
Underside ochreons, with the costal half of forewing and costal edge in hindwing dull brownish.
Head, jialpi, and tegulae pale oclireous, tinged with rather bright fulvous ; thorax and patagia dark brown ; abdomen dark grey.
Expanse of wings : 30 mm.
1 ? from Bandong, Java.
17. Hermonassa stigmatica spec nov.
Forewiiicj : olive-fiiscons, often with a slight reddish tinge ; the lines pale ; the subbasal and inner distinctly edged with black, the former emitting along subcostal vein a sharp, pale, angulated line towards the latter; outer line dentafe- lunulate ; the subterminal preceded by a dark shade ; all three stigmata large, black, and distinct, broadly outlined with ochreons.
Ilindwimj : dirty whitish, sometimes tinged or even suffused witli grey in the ?.
Underside of forewing brownish grey, the costa oclireous speckled with rnfons ; an obscure dark cell-spot and outer line: of himlwing whitish with blackish cpll-s])ot and an outer line from costa to vein 0; costal area broadly ochreons, tlecked with fuscous.
Head and thorax concolorous with forewing ; the abilomea greyer ; the legs redder.
Expanse of wings : ;{() — W'l mm.
4 fJc?, 4 ? ? from Bhntan (type); 1 ? Darjiliiig, A].ril 18S9 (Pilcher) ; 1 i Darjiling (Dr. Lidderdale) ; 10 cjc?, 1 ? Darjiling (F. Moller) ; 1 $ Naga Hills, July— August 1889 (W. Doherty).
18. Hermonassa furva spec nov. Forewimj : didl brick-red with an olive tinge; all the lines and markings blurred and obsolescent ; the lines accompanied by dull lustrous bluish scales, more esjiecially the outer line; costa marked by blackish spots edged with
blnish scales at t-lio origin of the lines ; stigmata black, with ditl'ise out ine ; the claviform apparently continued inwards to base ; the orbicular diffusely elongate ; the reniform Innate, more conspicuous, limited inwardly by a grey crescent ; a row of distinct black terminal Innnles.
Hind wing : dull whitish.
Underside of forewing olive brown ; the costal elge from before middle to apex pink; of hindwing whitish, the costal region pale greenish brown.
Head, thorax, jiectns, and legs reddish ; the abdomen reddish grey.
Expanse of wings : 32 mm.
3 c?<? from the Knlu district, The Punjab, N. India.
10. Hermonassa lineata spec. nov.
Forewing: olive brown, speckled and shaded in jilaces with darker; all the veins and outlines of the three stigmata finely ])ale ochreous ; the stigmata large and well-defined; lines all jiale ochreous and distinct, edged with dark; the outer dentate-lnnulate, oblique inwards below vein 5 to just beyond middle of inner margin ; a row of dark (errainal lunules ; fringe brown, like wings.
Hindwing : uniform dull luteous grey.
Underside of forewing dark grey, the costa ochreous towards base, becoming reddish at one-third ; of hindwing silky whitish, the costal area ochreous, dnsted with olive scales, with traces of the commencement of a dark outer line and submarginal shade.
Head and thorax dark glossy red-brown ; tegnlae pink-edged ; dorsum greyish fuscons, the anal tuft rufous ; legs dark red-iirowu ; venter and pectus and the tibial tufts bright rnfons.
Expanse of wings : 40—44 mm.
2 6<S from Tonglo, Sikkim, ](i,000 ft., July 1886 (H. J. Elwes).
Distinguished by its large size and conspicuous markings.
20. Eurois perviridis spec. nov.
Smaller than either drcns Btlr. or magnifica Moore ; the green scaling predominant throughout the wing ; veins and centres of upper stigmata lilac grey, speckled with black ; the cell black ; claviform stigma quite small, green with black outline ; the other stigmata without any red scaling ; the black wedge-shaped marks before subterminal line complete and distinct.
Hindwing : fuscous grey, darker terminally ; the fringe white.
Expanse of wings : .00 mm.
21. Ectopatria renalba spec. nov. Foreioing : brownish fuscous, faintly rufous-tinged ; in basal area and along costa paler, being much mixed with whitish scales; inner and outer lines black, conversely pale-edged, the outer lunulate-dentate ; orbicular and reniform stigmata with rufous brown centres and pale annuli defined by black ; the orbicular round, small and indistinct; the reniform deeply indented on outer edge at middle ; the annulus broadly white, with a white spot on costa above it ; subterminal line pale, interrupted, preceded and followed by black streaks in the intervals ; those below veins 5 and 6 continued to outer edge of reniform stigma; a row of black lunules along termen ; fringe brown, with pale line at base.
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Ilindwinq : fuscous, with the basal half whitisli. Underside of hindwing white, with the terminal border fuscons. Head and tliorax like forewings; abdomen greyer, whitish beneath. Expanse of wings: 30 mm.
1 ¥ from Tasmania, 1891 (Barnard Coll.). «
Subfamily HADENTINAE. 22. Craterestra postlineata sjiec. nov.
Resembles C. hifaacia Hmps. from S. India, Init only two-thirds of the size.
Foreu'iny : brownish fnscons, the costal streak pale with oehreous lines as in that species, bnt the inner margin remains of the dark gronnd colour except at anal angle ; the orbicular and reuiform black in the brown ground colour iu the c?, partly in the i)aler costal area in the ? ; outer line of points sometimes continuous, the line being dentate-lunulate ; terminal spots black ; fringe brown.
Hindwing : dnll whitish, with dark cell-spot and outer line of points before the darker shaded terminal border ; fringe grey; in the ? the whole inner margin from base widening to terraen is pale red-brown.
Underside of forewing grey, tinged with oehreous and dark-dusted along costal streak, whitish towards inner margin ; of hindwing whitish, brown-speckled along costa ; terminal area of both wings darker grey, outer lines and terminal spots black and distinct ; a black cell-spot on hindwing.
Head and thorax black : abdomen red-brown ; pectus, legs, and venter blackish ; underside of thorax i)ale.
Expanse of wings : 20 mm.
2 Jcf, 1 ? from the Elwes Collection, from Maudi, N.W. Himalayas, 300U to nOUO ft. (Sir (i. Young), 1883.
23. Craterestra scalata spec. nov.
Foreioinq : oehreous tinged with brownish or pinkish ; the base of cell, a broad streak along median and another with irregular edge along inner margin and the termen broadly blackish brown, the latter limited above by an oblique line from apex to vein 4, followed by a yellower oblique pale space from costa to median, crossed by distinct black veins and grey interspaces; a white dot at lower end of reuiform ; the inner and outer lines slightly marked by black dots ; fringe black brown.
Hindwing : white, with a slight irregular grey border as far as vein 1 ; some black terminal dots ; fringe grey above vein 1.
Underside of forewing grey-brown, paler along inner margin ; of hindwing whitish, tinged with grey-brown at apex ; fringe of both wings brown.
Head and thorax greyish oehreous, tho dorsum darker ; palpi externally blackish.
Expanse of wings : 20 mm.
2 ? ? from Mt. Marapok, British North Borneo.
24. Tiracola rufimargo spec. nov. and abb. grisescens, pallidistigma, and
venata abb. nov.
Forewing : greyish oehreous faintly tinged or often wholly suffused with deep pink : the costal edge often whitish ; sometimes the median area, at others the
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terminal, more rarely both, deeper red or brownish red ; lines marked by black vein- dots, those of the inner line sometimes connected by a grey thread ; orbicular stigma a white dot; reuiform conspicuous; the inner edge consisting of a narrow black crescent with gre} scales preceded by five velvety red-brown or black-brown spots ; the onter edge also of five spots, the two between veins 5 and 6 confluent ; joined at the inner lower end by an oblique black bar from costa, representing the upper part of median shade ; submarginal line inconspicuous, slightly paler with darker edges ; apex always pale ; tlie whole wing is covered with faint elongate striae of dull olive scales mixed with black atoms ; fringe concolorons, with a bright pale line at base beyond a row of dark terminal dots.
Hindwing : dull greenish fuscous, the costal area above vein G and the terminal area dull pink ; the fringe pinkish grey, beyond black terminal spots.
Underside of forewing dee]) ]iiiik with the costal and terminal margins ochreous ; of hindwing ochreons with the costal and terminal margins reddish speckled with dark.
Head and thorax concolorous with forewing, the dorsum always greyer, but laterally pinkish ; palpi externally, except terminal segment, deep red-brown or blackish.
Expanse of wings : 5U — 58 mm.
7 c^fT, five from Biagi, Mauiliare River, British New CJuiuea, 5000 ft., April 1906 (type), and two from the Upper Aroa River, April 1903 (A. S. Meek).
Of this species, separable at once by the deep pink margins of hindwing from T. plagiata Wlk. — which species also occurs in New Guinea — three quite distinct al)erratious come from the same locality.
The first — ab. grisesceiis ab. nov. — has the whole forewing olive grey, with the costal edge whitish and dotted with black ; the lines less distinct, except the teeth of the outer line ; the reniform stigma and costal bar equally obscured ; the hindwing with the fuscous and jiink areas both darker and more contrasted.
0 (JcJ, 1 ? of this form from Biagi, all slightly smaller than the typical form.
The second — ab. palUdistigma ab. nov. — is larger than the type form, the fore- wing suffused with deeper red and darkened by olive-fuscous striations and black atoms ; the dots of the lines accompanied by dark shades ; the median shade dark and diffuse throughout, tiie upper arm not forming a black bar ; reniform stigma filled up with whitish ochreous more or less mixed with grey and outlined with didl red- brown ; the subterminal line paler and more conspicuous ; the whole underside deeper red.
5 cJcJ, 1 ? from Biagi ; the single ¥ smaller and duller than the <S S ■
The third — ab. venata ab. nov. — is a development of the last, being darker, owing to the greater intensity of the olive-fuscous striations ; the median area and the terminal as well is deeper than the rest of the wing ; the subterminal line standing out finer and jjaler ; the centre of the reniform stigma darker grey, while the median shade is sometimes continuous across wing, at others confined to the dark costal portion ; the veins, especially towards termen, are finely whitish.
2 c? J, 1 ? from Biagi, and 1 ? , smaller and paler, from the Upper Aroa River.
Genus Hypopteridia gen. nov.
Differs from Dasijgaster Guen. in the abdomen of the <S being elongate, with the anal and praeanal segments clothed with very long tufts of hair, and without the shaggy lateral tufts which distinguish that genus; while the thorax lieneath bears
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large lateral tufts, expansible as winglets, beneath tbe hindwings ; the antennae of the S are ciliated and armed with bristles ; the termen of hind wing is strong!)- excised between apex and middle.
Type : //. reversa Moore. '
25. Sideridis lineatissima sjiec. nov.
Foreu'ing : ochreons gre_v with numerous black speckles ; veins all tinel}- white, the intervals with rufous grey lines ; median vein white in outer half, thickening towards end of cell, where it is slightly hooked, preceded by a minute dark dot, and followed by dark scaling on each side of vein 4 at base ; the orbicular and reniform stigmata ditfusely yellowish ; lines marked, as usual, by blackish vein-spots ; a pale yellowish space above vein 1 from base to inner line ;